Foodball 2021: A collaborative effort between Aberdeen/Hoquiam

Hoquiam and Aberdeen will once again combine forces for the 41st annual Foodball drive. 

In 2020, pandemic restrictions brought many changes to the normal Foodball schedule, and the schools ran a collective program. 

Advisors for both schools announced that while restrictions have lessened from 2020, they are combining once again to “prioritize the safety of everyone involved”

“We are excited to announce that both schools will be able to do more this year in the hopes of raising $70,000 or more for our communities’ local food banks. “ said Katie Barr, Hoquiam ASB Advisor and Ashley Kohlmeier, Aberdeen ASB Advisor.

Foodball 2021 will run from Friday, October 29th – Monday, November 8th.

The ASB programs from each high school will work together to collect monetary donations, as well as non-perishable food . 

Events will be held both separately and together. 

The grand total of food and funds will be distributed to every organization that Hoquiam and Aberdeen School Districts have previously donated to. 

“We ask for your support in our efforts, and encourage you to donate beginning October 29th. We hope to see many community members at our events.  “

Specific event details and donation locations will be made public soon.