Aberdeen native Max Vekich‘s nomination for Federal Maritime Commission advances

On Wednesday, U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell, Chair of the Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, announced that the committee voted to advance the nomination of Aberdeen native and Washington labor leader Max Vekich to be a Commissioner of the Federal Maritime Commission.

The Commission is responsible for regulating agreements between American exporters and the shipping companies that carry their goods to ensure they are fair and competitive. 

“Today, we take an important step in confirming Max Vekich, who has been nominated to be a Commissioner of the Federal Maritime Commission. He has decades of experiences on the docks as a longshoreman [and] as a civic leader. His voice, I think will be an important one in addressing supply chain issues at our busiest seaports around the United States,” said Cantwell.

Cantwell spoke in favor of the nomination and of Vekich at the hearing on Wednesday.