Matt Miller named as Hoquiam Fire Chief

The City of Hoquiam has a new Fire Chief, with one of their own being named to the position.

Tonight at the city council meeting, Assistant Chief Matt Miller was promoted to Fire Chief of the Hoquiam Fire Department.
Aberdeen Fire Chief Tom Hubbard was also given a plaque of recognition for serving as the Interim Fire Chief for the past couple years.
We would like congratulate Chief Miller on his promotion!
We would also like to congratulate Chief Hubbard on his upcoming retirement!
Photo from Hoquiam Firefighters Facebook Page

On Monday night at their regular meeting, the Hoquiam City Council unanimously approved the appointment of former Assistant Chief Matt Miller to the lead role within the department, as appointed by Mayor Ben Winkelman.

“It’s my honor to appoint our next Fire chief, and I’ve received phone calls and recommendations from outside the city, inside the city, from citizens, coworkers, other department heads, and people with a lot of experience in leadership. All voicing their support for my appointment.”

Fire Chief Miller began his career with the Hoquiam Fire Department in March 1999, holding  every rank within the department since that time including serving most recently as Assistant Chief since 2020. 

During his time at the department, Miller has served as a member of the department’s training committee and part of the Aberdeen and Hoquiam Regional Fire Authority planning process.

Miller fills the role held by joint Aberdeen/Hoquiam Fire Chief Tom Hubbard, who announced his upcoming retirement on June 10, 2022.

Hubbard had filled the position since the retirement of Fire Chief Paul Dean in 2021.

During the virtual meeting, Winkelman announced Miller was joined by numerous individuals, including his family, coworkers, and community members.