Cities of McCleary and Ocean Shores asking for public input

Community feedback is being sought on both ends of the county. 

In East County, the City of McCleary posted that they are in the process of creating a Wildcat Creek Aquifer Sustainability Plan, and are asking for public input.

The intent of the 20-year plan is to ensure groundwater is managed sustainably within the Wildcat Creek Basin. 

Officials say that the plan will be “a roadmap for how anticipated growth in the basin could occur while avoiding unacceptable groundwater quality and supply impacts to the aquifer and Wildcat Creek and achieve long-term sustainability for our local natural resources”.

The public is invited to  learn more about this plan during a virtual public presentation on July 12th, 2022, at 5pm. 

During the presentation, staff will give an overview of groundwater in the basin, the plan goals and expectations, and the process in which the plan will meet the objective of long-term sustainability. 

The City of McCleary and EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, PBC will conduct the presentation, followed by public questions, comments, and feedback.

Topic: Aquifer Sustainability Plan Kickoff Meeting

Time: Jul 12, 2022 05:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 

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Aquifer Study RFP Final  

EA Proposal for the City of McCleary Wildcat Creek  



Along the coast, Ocean Shores Mayor Jon Martin shared that the City of Ocean Shores is in the process of updating their Parks Master Plan and are also asking for public feedback.

They are asking members of the community to take a survey. 

“The information you share with us will be used to help shape the future of parks here in Ocean Shores.”

The survey asks a number of questions about the demographics of Ocean Shores residents and their homes, how they feel about park acces currently, what their use is at various parks, and asks for input on what changes the public would like to see.

Ocean Shores Community Outreach Survey


Both surveys are intended for residents of the specific cities or those who use the areas in question.