Additional deaths of local residents have been connected to COVID-19

Pacific County Department of Health & Human Services announced on Monday that they received notice that three additional Pacific County residents have died due to complications of the illness.

The total number of deaths among Pacific County residents that have been attributed to COVID-19 is now 7.

Pacific County’s Deputy Health Officer, Dr. Steven Krager stated “Our deepest sympathies go out to the family and friends of these individuals during this time of loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with them.”

In Grays Harbor, the local death count on the COVID-19 dashboard has increased to 26, up from 24 at the end of December.

Local case counts continue to rise, with Grays Harbor now showing a total of 2,311. This is an increase of over 200 cases since the end of December.

For Pacific County, there have been a total of 596 with 31 cases currently active. 

Of those 596 cases, 416 cases are considered confirmed which means they tested positive on a PCR test, and 180 are probable which means they tested positive on a rapid antigen test. 

At Stafford Creek, the total number of incarcerated individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 increased from 900 and is now at 978. 

Stafford Creek has a capacity of 1,942 inmates, with the Average Daily Population from November being listed as 1,862. 

Using that number, it would be 50% of the total possible population within the institution who have tested positive.

At this time, we encourage community members to continue to be cautious and vigilant about social distancing recommendations.

Testing opportunities continue locally for residents. 

There is a list of testing locations in Washington State is available at:…/TestingforCOV…/TestingLocations.