$282 million proposed for clean water projects across the state; local projects total $9.3 million

Ecology is proposing to award $282 million in grants and loans for 108 high-priority clean water projects across the state.

This includes 4 local projects with a proposed total of $9.3 million in funding.

The Water Quality Combined Funding Program supports local communities by helping them upgrade wastewater treatment and sewer systems, manage polluted stormwater, and complete a variety of other projects to prevent and clean up more diffuse sources of pollution, also known as nonpoint pollution.

“Support from the legislature for clean water projects is direct support for local communities in Washington,” said Vince McGowan, Ecology’s Water Quality Program Manager. “Local governments and organizations do the on-the-ground work to protect and restore clean water.” 

Nearly 90% of the funding the Water Quality Program receives is passed through to local communities for environmental and infrastructure projects. Clean water funding comes from a mix of state and federal funds dedicated for water quality improvements and protection.

State financial managers calculate that 11 direct and indirect jobs are created in Washington for every $1 million spent on building clean water infrastructure. That means this round of grants and loans results in over 3,000 jobs.

Thirty-four projects are set to receive $30 million in grants, forgivable loans (loans that don’t have to be repaid), and low interest rate loans to address nonpoint pollution. Nonpoint pollution has a significant impact on water quality; it comes from diffuse sources instead of an identifiable pipe. 

Forty-six communities and port districts will potentially split $42 million in grants and low interest loans to implement projects to manage and reduce stormwater pollution. 

Twenty-eight wastewater projects are proposed to receive approximately $209 million in grants, forgivable loans, and low interest loans. Five of the projects qualify for special hardship financial assistance in order to ensure the project can go forward without overly burdensome increases in the sewer bills for residents in these small, financially challenged communities. 

A public comment period on the Draft Funding List is open until 5:00pm on February 14.

Please submit comments via the online comment form (eComments).

If you have questions, please contact Daniel Thompson at [email protected] or 360-407-6510 or attend the public meeting we are holding at 1:00pm on February 3 via WebEx.

Final funding is contingent on approval of appropriations in the state’s 2021-2023 Biennial Budget.

Comments received will be responded to during the comment period and notify all commenters when they publish the Final Funding List  around July 1.

For more information, including access to an interactive map of funded projects and access to the draft list please visit the Water Quality Combined Funding Program Funding Cycles webpage.

Local projects:

Rank Total


County Grant/Subsidy Requested Loan Funds Requested Centennial Grant Funding Proposed Section 319 Grant Funding Proposed Revolving Fund Standard Loan Proposed Revolving Fund Forgivable Principal Loan Proposed SFAP Grant



Applicant Name: Aberdeen city of – Public Works Application Number: WQC-2022-AberPW-00099
Project Title: Critical WWTP Improvements Project Category: Wastewater Facility-Hardship 

Step 4: Design & Construction

18 883 Grays Harbor $0 $5,783,000 $0 $0 $5,454,750 $328,250 $0 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12
Design & Construction of (1) Repairs to the leaking roof of the anaerobic digester (to seal existing leaks and significantly reduce the potential for explosions), (2) a new Gravity Sludge Thickener (GST), (3) Repairs to the existing GST, and (4) new Hauled Waste Receiving Facilities at the Aberdeen Wastewater Treatment Plant
Applicant Name: Aberdeen city of – Public Works Application Number: WQC-2022-AberPW-00116
Project Title: Aberdeen FY 2022 Pump Station Improvement Project Project Category: Wastewater Facility
20 876.5 Grays Harbor $0 $735,000 $0 $0 $367,500 $367,500 $0 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
The proposed project includes design and permitting for bypass connections at Pump Stations 2, 4, 6 & 7 to facilitate maintenance and eliminate the risk of overflows during storm events. The project also includes design of upgrades to Pump Stations 4, 7 and 13, including replacement of pumps, piping, mechanical/electrical equipment and concrete. All of these pump stations are over 50 years old and in poor condition, and have insufficient capacity to convey current and projected future flows.
Applicant Name: Hoquiam City of Application Number: WQC-2022-HoquCi-00104
Project Title: Emerson Avenue Pump Station Project Category: Wastewater Facility
84 755 Grays Harbor $0 $666,906 $0 $0 $333,45 $333,453 $0 6
The City is requesting preconstruction funding for updating both the general sewer plan and wastewater facility plan from the previously approved 2009 plan. These plan updates are required for the City to develop capital improvement projects to upgrade there wastewater treatment plant and additional ageing pump stations and infrastructure within the City.
Applicant Name: Hoquiam City of Application Number: WQC-2022-HoquCi-00163
Project Title: Hoquiam General Sewer and WW Facility Plan Project Project Category: Wastewater Facility
35 846 Grays Harbor $0 $2,115,462 $0 $0 $2,115,462 $0 $0 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
The existing Emerson Avenue facility is a combined stormwater/wastewater pump station, containing separate wetwells for both. The project involves the construction of a new wastewater pump station facility adjacent to the existing combined facility with new submersible wastewater pumps, piping, appurtenances, generator and controls. This project has been designed in 2020 and is anticipated for construction in 2021.